- Prof. Dr. Gaven Martin
- Email: g.j.martin@massey.ac.nz
- Web site: https://www.massey.ac.nz/massey/expertise/profile.cfm?stref=339830
- Award: Humboldt Research Award
- Affiliation: Massey University
- Keywords: Geometric Analysis, Low dimensional topology and geometry, nonlinear PDEs
Prof. Dr. Eileen Lueders

- Prof. Dr. Eileen Lueders
- Email: e.lueders@auckland.ac.nz
- Web site: https://unidirectory.auckland.ac.nz/profile/elue139
- Award: Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award
- Affiliation: University of Auckland
- Keywords: Human Brain Mapping, Neuroimaging, Neuroscience
Prof. Dr. Andre Nies

- Prof. Dr. Andre Nies
- Email: andre@cs.auckland.ac.nz
- Web site: https://www.cs.auckland.ac.nz/~nies/
- Award: Humboldt Research Award
- Affiliation: University of Auckland
- Keywords: computability, descriptive set theory, group theory and its connections to logic, Quantum information theory
Prof. Dr. Peter Fineran

- Prof. Dr. Peter Fineran
- Email: peter.fineran@otago.ac.nz
- Web site: https://micro.otago.ac.nz/our-people/teaching-research-and-support/peter-fineran/
- Award: Research Fellows
- Affiliation: University of Otago
- Keywords: CRISPR-Cas, Genetics, Molecular Microbiology, Phages
Prof. Dr. Anne Salmond
- Prof. Dr. Anne Salmond
- Email: a.salmond@auckland.ac.nz
- Web site: http://www.arts.auckland.ac.nz/people/msal020
- Award: Humboldt Research Award
- Affiliation: University of Auckland
- Keywords: History and anthropology of the Pacific
Dr. Janine Tiu
- Dr Janine Tiu
- Email: janine.tiu@fau.de
- Web site:
- Award: Research Fellows
- Affiliation: University of Otago
- Keywords: Parodontologie, Zahnerhaltung
Prof. Dr. Anthony Spalinger
- Professor Dr. Anthony Spalinger
- Email: a.spalinger@auckland.ac.nz
- Web site: http://www.arts.auckland.ac.nz/people/aspa002
- Award: Research Fellows
- Affiliation: University of Auckland
- Keywords: ancient Egyptian natural sciences (astronomy), calendrics, warfare and economy
Dr. Linn Hoffmann

- Dr. Linn Hoffmann
- Email: linn.hoffmann@otago.ac.nz
- Web site: http://www.otago.ac.nz/botany/staff/linnhoffmann.html
- Award: Feodor Lynen Fellows
- Affiliation: University of Otago
- Keywords: marine phytoplankton eco-physiology, ocean acidification, trace metals
Dr. Jan-Michael Mewes
- Dr. Jan-Michael Mewes
- Email: j.mewes@massey.ac.nz
- Web site: http://www.janmewes.de/
- Award: Feodor Lynen Fellows
- Affiliation: Massey University
- Keywords: excited-states in complex environments, force-fields, photochemistry, quantum chemical calculations, solvatochromism
Prof. Dr. Michael Radich
- Prof. Dr. Michael Radich
- Email: michael.radich@vuw.ac.nz
- Web site: https://www.victoria.ac.nz/sacr/about/staff/michael-radich
- Award: Research Fellows
- Affiliation: Victoria University of Wellington
- Keywords: Buddhology, philology
Prof. Samantha Owens

- Prof. Dr. Samantha Owens
- Email: samantha.owens@vuw.ac.nz
- Web site: https://www.victoria.ac.nz/nzsm/about/staff/samantha-owens
- Award: Research Fellows
- Affiliation: Victoria University of Wellington
- Keywords: Allgemeine Musikwissenschaft, Early modern German court music, German music and musicians in Australasia 1850-1950, Historical performance practice
Prof. Terry Seward

- Professor Terry M. Seward
- Email: Terry.Seward@vuw.ac.nz
- Web site: http://www.victoria.ac.nz/sgees/about/staff/terry-seward
- Award: Research Fellows
- Affiliation: Victoria University of Wellington
- Keywords: geochemistry; hydrothermal chemistry
Dr. Paul Jerabek

- Dr. Paul Jerabek
- Email: p.jerabek@massey.ac.nz
- Web site: http://jerabek.bplaced.net/
- Award: Feodor Lynen Fellows
- Affiliation: Massey University
- Keywords: ab initio calculations, Chemical Bonding, relativistic effects, simulation of thermodynamical properties, super-heavy elements
Dr. Jeroen Schillewaert

- Dr. Jeroen Schillewaert
- Email: j.schillewaert@auckland.ac.nz
- Web site: http://www.jeroenschillewaert.com/
- Award: Research Fellows
- Affiliation: University of Auckland
- Keywords: algebraic groups, combinatorics, Tits buildings
Prof. Dr. Nicolas James Cullen

- Professor Dr Nicolas James Cullen
- Email: nicolas.cullen@otago.ac.nz
- Web site: https://www.otago.ac.nz/geography/staff/nicolas-cullen.html
- Award: Research Fellows
- Affiliation: University of Otago
- Keywords: Boundary layer meteorology and climatology; glaciology; glacier and ice sheet mass balance and climate
Prof. Dr. Murray Cox

- Prof. Dr. Murray P. Cox
- Email: m.p.cox@massey.ac.nz
- Web site: http://massey.genomicus.com
- Award: Research Fellows
- Affiliation: Massey University
- Keywords: Computational Biology, Human Genetics; Theoretical Population Genetics, Statistical Genomics
Dr. Reece Miller
- Dr. Reece Miller
- Email: reece.miller@ruhr-uni-bochum.de
- Web site: http://www.chemie.rub.de/ac1/team/science.html
- Award: Research Fellows
- Affiliation: Ruhr-Universität Bochum
- Keywords: Electrochemistry, Inorganic and Bioinorganic chemistry, Molecular Switching, Structure determination
Prof. Dr. James D. L. White

- Prof. Dr. James D. L. White
- Email: james.white@otago.ac.nz
- Web site: http://www.otago.ac.nz/geology/staff/academic/james-white.html
- Award: Research Fellows
- Affiliation: University of Otago
- Keywords: geology, magma-water interaction, subglacial volcanism, submarine volcanic eruptions, volcanic plumbing systems, volcaniclastic sediment, volcanology
Prof. Dr. Kathy Lüdge

- Prof. Dr. Kathy Lüdge
- Email: kathy.luedge@tu-berlin.de
- Web site: http://www.tu-berlin.de/?luedge
- Award: Feodor Lynen Fellows
- Affiliation: University of Auckland
- Keywords: bifurcation analysis, delayed optical feedback, laser networks, modeling of semiconductor quantum-dot lasers, nonlinear laser dynamics
Prof. Dr. Rod Downey

- Prof. Dr. Rod Downey
- Email: rod.downey@vuw.ac.nz
- Web site: http://homepages.ecs.vuw.ac.nz/~downey/
- Award: Humboldt Research Award
- Affiliation: Victoria University of Wellington
- Keywords: algorithmic mathematics, Computational complexity, theory of computation
Professor Dr. Jeff Miller
- Prof. Dr. Jeff Miller
- Email: miller@psy.otago.ac.nz
- Web site: http://www.otago.ac.nz/psychology/staff/jeffreymiller.html
- Award: Humboldt Research Award
- Affiliation: University of Otago
- Keywords: Cognitive psychology and psychophysiology, mathematical and statistical models and methods, visual perception and attention
Dr. Kelly Wade

- Dr. Kelly Wade
- Email: wadekellyr@gmail.com
- Web site: https://unidirectory.auckland.ac.nz/profile/kwad007
- Award: Research Fellows
- Affiliation: University of Auckland
- Keywords: biomechanics, biomedical engineering, intervertebral disc, loading, microstructure, spine
Prof. Dr. Leo Cheng

- Prof. Dr. Leo Cheng
- Email: l.cheng@auckland.ac.nz
- Web site: https://unidirectory.auckland.ac.nz/profile/lche027
- Award: Humboldt Research Award
- Affiliation: University of Auckland
- Keywords: electrophysiology, engineering, instrumentation, mathematical modelling
Prof. Dr. Barry Scott

- Prof. Dr. Barry Scott
- Email: d.b.scott@massey.ac.nz
- Web site: http://www.massey.ac.nz/massey/expertise/profile.cfm?stref=670030
- Award: Humboldt Research Award
- Affiliation: Massey University
- Keywords: molecular basis of agriculturally beneficial symbiotic interactions between plants and microbes
Dr. Skelte G. Anema

- Dr. Skelte G. Anema
- Email: skelte.anema@fonterra.com
- Web site:
- Award: Research Fellows
- Affiliation: Fonterra Research and Development Centre
- Keywords: Lebensmittelchemie und - analyse Food Systems Dairy Science, Milchwirtschaft
Dr. Paul Oestreicher

- Dr. Paul Oestreicher
- Email: paul.oestreicher.nz@gmail.com
- Web site:
- Award: Research Fellows
- Affiliation: Coventry Cathedral
- Keywords: Politikwissenschaft, Politologie Menschenrechte, Staat/Kirchenbeziehung (bes. DDR), Staat/Kirchenbeziehung (bes. DDR) Politikwissenschaft
Dr. Trevor John Mathieson

- Dr. Trevor John Mathieson
- Email: envirochemevaluation@gmail.com
- Web site:
- Award: Research Fellows
- Affiliation: Envirochem Evaluation Limited
- Keywords: LCMS, Natural Products, natural products chemistry, Organ. Chemie
Dr. Justin J. Nijdam

- Dr. Justin J. Nijdam
- Email: justin.nijdam@canterbury.ac.nz
- Web site: http://www.cape.canterbury.ac.nz/people/nijdam.shtml
- Award: Research Fellows
- Affiliation: University of Canterbury
- Keywords: Chemische Verfahrenstechnik, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Drying and Particle Technologies
Dr. Michael Philip Staines
- Dr. Michael Philip Staines
- Email: Mike.Staines@vuw.ac.nz
- Web site:
- Award: Research Fellows
- Affiliation: Victoria University of Wellington
- Keywords: Festkörperphysik, therm. und mechan. Eigenschaften
Dr. Will Sweetman

- Dr. Will Sweetman
- Email: will.sweetman@otago.ac.nz
- Web site: http://www.otago.ac.nz/religiousstudies/staff/sweetman.php
- Award: Research Fellows
- Affiliation: University of Otago
- Keywords: Hinduismus, Kolonialismus, Missionsgeschichte, Orientalismus, Vergleichende Religionswissenschaft, Ziegenbalg