Statute of the New Zealand Association of von Humboldt Fellows

  1. Membership
    The New Zealand Association of von Humboldt Fellows (NZAvH) is a non-profit organisation. Membership is open to all current and former Humboldt Research Fellows, Feodor Lynen Fellows, and Humboldt Research Award recipients who apply for membership. Currently, there is no membership fee.
  2. Office holders
    There are two office holders for the organisation: the President and Vice-President. These positions are contestable at the (usually biennial) general meeting of the association. Incumbents can seek reelection.
  3. Aims
    To support the work of the Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung in Bonn.
    This is done by:

    • Advertising the fellowship programme at New Zealand universities.
    • Identifying top scientists from all areas and encourage them to apply
      for a Humboldt fellowship.
    • Keeping the Humboldt Foundation up-to-date with important scientific
      and political developments in New Zealand which are of concern to the
      Humboldt foundation.
    • Trying to establish an exchange programme in order to get top
      German scientists to visit New Zealand.
    • Trying to establish a Humboldt award programme in New Zealand.
    • Helping Feodor-Lynen Fellows to get started in New Zealand.
    • Fostering German-New Zealand scientific exchange programmes.

    The members of the NZAvH will be informed on a regular basis about important scientific and political developments in Germany and about opportunities for collaboration and scientific cooperation. The NZAvH also fosters contacts with other
    Alexander von Humboldt associations.

  4. Finances
    All monies received by or on behalf of the Association shall be deposited in an account with a bank agreed by the President and Vice-President of the association; all cheques or withdrawal slips drawn on the account shall be signed by at least one of these two office holders. The NZAvH welcomes financial support from all individuals, agencies or companies. The money will be used to achieve the goals identified under Aims.